What is the Motueka Catchment Collective (MCC)?

The MCC is a collective of local community members who aim to facilitate community action to enhance freshwater wellbeing across the Motueka catchment. The MCC began in 2020 when a group of motivated farmers in the Upper Motueka wanted to start a catchment group.

The collective is supported by funding from Ministry of Primary Industries to help build capacity and expand reach into the community. 

What is the MCC doing?

MCC has run many events, workshops and training since its inception, along with supporting community members with their catchment projects. After asking the community what was important, Thematic Groups were set up to take action in the following areas across the catchment:

  1. Biodiversity and Restoration: have organised plantings along the awa, grown thousands of seedlings at community nurseries, and held community workshops and training. More events, planting, restoration and growing is planned for 2024. 
  2. Pest Control: have identified priority species to focus on and are linking up with other trapping groups. The group is working to expand the control of vine weeds, especially old man’s beard, and identify priority sites to control weeds.
  3. River Access and Recreation: is developing a bird watching project linked with the cycle trail and has identified swimming hole locations across the catchment to promote and enhance. 
  4. Forestry: has gathered an experienced group of scientists, industry representatives, community members and stakeholders together to discuss and act on priorities for managing the impacts of forestry.
  5. Freshwater Monitoring: are collating water sampling data across the catchment and training community members to undertake water quality monitoring of their local streams, and see where action is needed.
  6. River management: once formed will focus on sustainable river management, considering the gravel extraction and mining projects across the catchment.

The MCC is led by a Steering Group and organised by a full time catchment coordinator.

How can I find out more information and/or take part?

We would love your support! To find out how you can be involved in this action and to sign up to our newsletter, please contact Shannon Parker at coordinator@motuekacatchment.org.nz. Also check out and like our Motueka Catchment Collective facebook page.