MCC Meetings

MCC Meetings

There have been plenty of meetings held during August by key MCC people. This includes:

  • The Steering Group met on 22 August. Seven members attended and the following topics were discussed – the catchment plan process, SG membership, MCC vision, updates from thematic groups,
  • The Biodiversity and Restoration Group met on 21 August. Four members attended and the following topics were discussed – assessing applications received for project support, progress of school and community nurseries, upcoming events, trials (seed bombs/plant guards), catchment plan input including BAR vision.
  • The Freshwater Monitoring Group met on 15 August. Seven members attended and the following topics were discussed – progress on community SHMAK training and freshwater monitoring across the catchment, as well as eDNA testing, Te Mana o te Wai, and ways to input to catchment plan, and organising upcoming events.
  • The Pest Management Group met on 27 August. Five members attended. They talked about organizing future working bees to tackle the OMB across the catchment, as well as how to allocate funding to support small local initiatives after receiving a few applications for project support.
  • The Forestry Group met on 23 August.12 members attended and discussed about a small project planting poplar poles to reduce debris, carbon sequestration and alterative species, rotation of redwood and risks related to the separation point granite soil and sediment flow.
  • The River Access and Recreation Group met on 15 July. Four members attended and discussed and agreed MCC funded picnic table locations along the Motueka River, and undertook a catchment plan vision session.
  • Staff of TET and MCC met on 1 August to discuss the Motueka Catchment Collective Plan and to undertake a pre-planning discussion.

The MCC sends out a big ngā mihi nui to all of the volunteer members of these groups who give up so much of their time. Sometimes this effort is not seen or noticed. The MCC wants to let you know on behalf of our community that we appreciate you!!